In this lesson, you'll learn how to play the rhythm guitar to "My Lighthouse" by Rend Collective. This is an unusually upbeat song with that has a folsky feel. In fact I've even done this song with a banjo mixed in.
In this lesson, you'll learn a really handy lick that you can use in almost any blues song. This example shows how to use it in the key of E. Using this technique, you'll be able to even create an entire song only using bass notes and this lick!
This Matt Maher song has an Easter theme that celebrates the resurrection" "Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, every fear is gone."
This song was written by Hillsong college for an Easter opener. It is acoustic folk based and has a great up-beat feel, while telling of the message of Easter.
This gospel classic, Through it All, was originally written and performed by the late great Andrae Crouch and covered by the Gaithers, etc. This version is inspired by Isreal Houghton's acoustic version at Andrae's "Celebration of Life" service.
Christmas is coming soon, so why not learn another classic! This is a finger picking version that is fairly simply to play. Learn it in sections, and put it all together for something you can play every year!
Also on the "Love Ran Red" Chris Tomlin album, this worship song, At the Cross, is an anthem that's easily singable and has a focus on the power of the cross. Check out the charts:
In this lesson, you'll learn simple chord additions to chords you already know to create beautiful sounding chords. Just one note can change the complexity of a chord and make it unique. This can also be an inspiration for writing songs.
In this lesson, you'll learn how to create melody lines with supportive chords. This trick sounds like two guitars are playing at the same time! You'll learn the simple way to find just about any melody line to play songs you like or experiment with intros or solos.
This lesson will help you add to your short cut capo guitar vocabulary. With two simple chord shapes, you can play every chord in the chord family to create unique sounds.
This is a lesson on the cover of This I Believe from Hillsong United. In the previous video, Stephen covers the song, so you can hear it all the way through.