Bass Intermediate

get started. get better.

Bass Intermediate

In this series, you'll take what you learned from the Bass Beginner Series and learn how to really open up your playing. Once you learn how a major scale works on a bass, you'll be able to see the fret board in a new way.

This technique will make it really easy to play in any key without memorizing a lot of notes. You'll also learn how to choose high or low notes based on the intensity of a song, and you'll learn how to create your own licks. These lessons will take your playing to a new level and will give you the tools you need to have even more fun with the bass. The lesson examples will show examples of everything you learn.

Understanding Major Scales Main Major Scale for Bass 1 Scale Anywhere
Octaves and Bridge Notes Playing High Playing Low Basic Riffs
Chord Structure Riffs

Songs Included with this Series

These song examples will give you a examples of how to incorporate the licks you learn as well as using high notes and low notes in a song.

  • Come Now is the Time to Worship (Advanced)
  • I Can Only Imagine (Advanced)
  • Mighty to Save (Advanced)
  • Your Love Oh Lord (Advanced)